by CBS12 News Monday, May 11th 2020
With PBCMS President Larry Bush, MD by Chuck Weber Thursday, April 16th 2020

by Chuck Weber Tuesday, April 14th 2020
PBCMS Services President Michael T.B. Dennis, MD was recently published in the Shiny Sheet with an article on advancements in medicine. Click here for the full article.

Boynton surgeon Brandon Luskin: Why doctors call new burnout hotline
Updated April 24, 2018 By Charles Elmore, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
The man leading the Palm Beach County Medical Society in its 99th year operates on hands for a living, but Brandon Luskin says troubling trends in the profession mean doctors themselves increasingly need help maintaining a healthy grip on work and life responsibilities.
“Physician burnout is at an all-time high,” Luskin said. “We’re forced into volume care, at our own expense and that of our patients.” Click here for full article.
GUEST EDITORIAL: Taking the gamble as vascular surgeons

By Jack Zeltzer, MD The Specialist 1/29/18 edition: publication of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS)
Click here for full article.
Henry Haire, M.D., Wins Prestigious ACP Award "I look at this as one of the best honors I have ever received," said Henry M. Haire, M.D., F.A.C.P., recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Community-Based Teacher of the Year award bestowed by the Florida Chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACP) at its recent annual scientific meeting. Medical Director of the FAU Medicine Resident Clinic and associate professor of Clinical Medical Science, Dr. Haire was recognized for teaching residents at the clinic and his care of the underserved and uninsured. Read the Full Article

POINT OF VIEW: Florida Insurers Should Stay Out of Doctors’ Exam Rooms by: Shawn Baca, MD As the debate around health reform continues to rumble on Capitol Hill, there’s a common-sense fix that Florida lawmakers can make right now to ensure better care for Floridians.

Florida Lawmakers Move Closer to Imposing Opioid Prescription Limits Brandon Luskin, Palm Beach County Medical Society President, told the Florida Legislative Senate & House Committees that 200,000 to 300,000 Floridians undergo knee and hip replacement surgeries every year, with the majority of them requiring more than a week’s worth of painkillers after their procedures.

Palm Beach Daily News Article PBCMS Services President, Michael Dennis, MD, was asked to submit an article to the Palm Beach Daily News regarding advances in health care and we would like to share it with you. Despite our ethnic, religious, socioeconomic, political and other differences in identifying personal characteristics, there’s one common denominator that concerns all of us: our health. And fortunately, 2017 was a very productive year for improvements in health care. Click Here to read more.